القائمة الرئيسية

GC Essentia, Universal Composite Syringe, U

GC Essentia, Universal Composite Syringe, U - GC - 900977
أفضل جودة تسليم 7 أيام
GC Essentia, Universal Composite Syringe, U
205.20 SR
السعر بدون ضريبة : 205.20 SR
  • النوع: Micro-Hybrid
  • السن: أمامي وخلفي
  • القوام: قياسي
  • اللون: Universal
  • التعبئة: Syringe 2ml
موعد التوصيل قبل  الأحد ٢٠٢٤/٠٧/٠٧
Essentia represents the pure essence of composite layering. With just seven syringes, you now have a perfect aesthetic solution for all your restorations. Traditional shade systems rely on different hues (colours), known as A, B, C and D. However, it is known that enamel and dentin have different characteristics which are also changing with time, becoming not only stronger in colour but also more translucent. By breaking away from traditional monochromatic shades and focusing on reproducing the aging characteristics of enamel and dentin, you can obtain a much more natural result in just two simple layers.

كتابة تعليق

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