القائمة الرئيسية

GC Fuji ORTHO LC, Intro Package P/L, 15g Powder + 6.8ml Liquid

GC Fuji ORTHO LC, Intro Package P/L, 15g Powder + 6.8ml Liquid - GC - 000027
أفضل جودة تسليم 7 أيام
GC Fuji ORTHO LC, Intro Package P/L, 15g Powder + 6.8ml Liquid
457.20 SR
السعر بدون ضريبة : 457.20 SR
موعد التوصيل قبل  الإثنين ٢٠٢٤/٠٧/٠٨

GC Fuji ORTHO LC is a light-cured, resin reinforced glass ionomer cement, specifically designed for orthodontic applications. It effectively combines the properties of composites and glass ionomer cements (GICs) for bonding orthodontic appliances.

Key Features

  • Moisture Tolerance: Offers excellent adhesion even in humid environments, simplifying the bonding process.
  • Ease of Application: Designed for easy and fast application, suitable for busy clinical settings.
  • Light Curing: Can be light-cured within 10 seconds, providing a quick and efficient bonding process.
  • Long-Term Fluoride Release: Continuously releases fluoride, benefiting the long-term health of the tooth enamel.
  • No Discoloration: Maintains aesthetic integrity without causing discoloration to the dental surfaces.
  • Minimal Enamel Damage: Debonding of orthodontic appliances is easy, with a lower risk of damaging the enamel compared to composite resin bonding systems.


GC Fuji ORTHO LC is indicated for:

  • Bonding acrylic appliances.
  • Bonding metal brackets and attachments.
  • Band cementation (particularly when extra band retention is desired).
  • Bonding ceramic brackets.

Unique Formulation

  • Decalcification Prevention: Its formulation helps reduce the risk of decalcification, preserving the soundness of enamel.
  • No Phosphoric Acid Etching: The product can be placed without the need for phosphoric acid etching, streamlining the bonding procedure.

Packaging Contents

The Intro Pack includes:

  • Powder (15g)
  • Liquid (6.8ml)
  • Scoop
  • Pad


GC Fuji ORTHO LC stands out as an advanced orthodontic luting cement, offering the combined benefits of resin composites and glass ionomer cements. Its light-curing property, ease of application, and minimal impact on tooth enamel make it an ideal choice for orthodontic bonding procedures.

The product's long-term fluoride release and resistance to discoloration further enhance its suitability for maintaining oral health and aesthetics during orthodontic treatments. GC Fuji ORTHO LC is a valuable addition to dental practices specializing in orthodontics, providing a reliable, efficient, and enamel-friendly solution for bonding various orthodontic appliances.

كتابة تعليق

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